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Terminator Genisys
Once more into the time breach.
A Little Chaos
On papal ecology, dinosaurs, and the Edenic spectacle of Versailles.
Infinitely Polar Bear
Mark Ruffalo is superb as a man with bipolar disorder struggling to keep his family together.
Inside Out
You can’t please all of the people all of the time—or can you?
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
What do you do when a movie says something itself better than you could ever hope to say it?
Jurassic World
After going extinct in 2001, the franchise returns with a familiar warning: Don’t play God. (But it sure makes for a fun ride.)
The Wolfpack
A documentary about a troubling family situation that turns into something much bigger than its subjects.
Love & Mercy
Brian Wilson biopic explores the soundscape of artistic genius and tragedy.
The latest Melissa McCarthy vehicle is a fun twist on the spy genre, despite some dips into bad taste.
The ride may not be over, but this is where I disembark.
Hot Girls Wanted
A documentary on Netflix tells an ugly truth about those who join the pornography industry and challenges our silence.
Hollywood is fighting its own Loudness War, and this movie definitely isn’t helping.
Mad Max: Fury Road
Finding a forgotten Eden in the midst of post-apocalyptic anarchy.
Pitch Perfect 2
You can only cover a cover so many times.
Slow West
There is more to life than survival.
Hot Pursuit
Well-worn gags and tired characters do not make a good comedy - even if the faces are new.
I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story
The man inside the yellow suit really is the heart and soul of the world’s most beloved avian character.
The inspiring story of Christina Noble, whose name befits her calling.
Far From the Madding Crowd
A ham-handed treatment of Hardy's Victorian novel that does the feminist inspiration for the film a frustrating disservice.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Grade-A scifi and a meditation on evil in the human heart, in one entertaining package.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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