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Bearing Burdens After Obamacare: The Future of Christian Healthcare Sharing
The Affordable Care Act put Christian insurance alternatives on the map. What happens to them when it goes away?
An Ancient Christian Vision for Modern Medicine
Meet the Denver doctor on a hilarious, heartfelt search for the healing ingredient in health care.
When Modern Medicine Becomes a False God
A doctor reflects on what healthcare can—and can’t—accomplish.
Supreme Court Sends Little Sisters Case Back to Lower Courts
(UPDATE) Justices don’t have a final answer for religious organizations that oppose Obamacare’s contraception mandate.
Contraception Mandate Heading to Supreme Court
(UPDATED) SCOTUS will determine if the rule violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Did Supreme Court Skip the More Important Obamacare Subsidies?
Pro-life groups argue taxpayer premiums are funding abortions.
What's Next? How Hobby Lobby Affects Wheaton College and Nearly 100 Other Cases
Wheaton College, six other organizations get temporary relief; 100 cases likely to be affected.
Supreme Court Narrowly Rules For Hobby Lobby
(UPDATED) 5-4 decision on healthcare rules that the government cannot require faith-based organizations to provide contraception against their owners' religious beliefs.
Family Planning Through a Global Lens
The developing world requires us to look at contraception as a pro-life cause.
Obamacare's Bump: More Christians Now Sharing Health Care Costs
Christian alternatives to traditional insurance see surge in enrollments.
180 Evangelical Ministries Win Class-Action Lawsuit over Contraceptives (For Now)
(UPDATED) Major provider of church health benefits takes on government for the first time—and wins the first round.
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Hobby Lobby Contraceptive Case
(UPDATED) Do for-profit corporations have religious rights? Justices will consider cases of Hobby Lobby (which won) and Conestoga Wood Specialties (which lost).
Will the Supreme Court Review Hobby Lobby's Case Against Obamacare?
If not, many others are ready to ask the high court whether for-profit companies have religious freedom.
Church Health Plans Jeopardized by 'ObamaCare' Standoff
(UPDATED) While House tries to defund president's healthcare program, current rules overlook church employees for crucial tax credits.
Hobby Lobby Solidifies 'Major Victory' against HHS Contraceptive Mandate
(UPDATED) Justice Department won't oppose small-business injunctions, upping the odds that Supreme Court will weigh in on employer-provided contraceptives.
Who Qualifies Under New 'Simplified' Contraceptive Mandate Exemptions?
(UPDATED) The contraception mandate has been postponed until January 2015, but that could mean trouble for business owners with pending lawsuits.
She's a Person, Not a Uterus
Fighting women's global health disparities with dignity.
The Great Physicians of Detroit
Covenant Community Care is the only faith-based, federally funded health center in Michigan. It may also be the most Christlike.
Move Over, Abortion? Religious Freedom Is the New Battleground for 'Personhood'
The government protects citizens' religious rights, but what about a corporation's?
Obama Administration Tweaks Rules on Contraception Coverage
HHS drops controversial definition of religious employer, but rules for nonprofits and for-profit companies are mostly as previously announced.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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