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Bostock Is as Bad as You Think
We cannot stake religious liberty on a "wait and see" approach.
LGBT Rights Ruling Isn’t the Beginning of the End for Religious Liberty
Social conservatives liked Neil Gorsuch before they didn’t. Maybe they were right the first time.
Supreme Court Extends LGBT Anti-Discrimination Protections
Legal experts worry that ruling in landmark workplace discrimination cases can’t provide the nuanced exemptions evangelicals have advocated for.
Died: Sy Rogers, Who Testified God Changed His Sexual Identity
Ex-gay leader encouraged people to pursue faith in “the darkest corners.”
Second Expelled Student Sues Fuller for LGBT Discrimination
Plaintiff joins lawsuit with request for more than $1 million.
In the Face of Sexual Temptation, Repression Is a Sure-Fire Failure
How do we solve the problem of desire? Christian asceticism offers an alternative way.
PCA Sides With the Nashville Statement Over Revoice’s Approach
Evangelicals in favor of traditional marriage debate the place of LGBT identity in the church.
Celibate Gay Christians: Neither Shockingly Conservative nor Worryingly Liberal
A new book uses stories and statistics to dispel stereotypes and suspicion.
I Used to Hide My Shame. Now I Take Shelter Under the Gospel.
How a gay atheist teenager discovered Jesus and stopped living undercover.
United Methodist Court Keeps Core of New LGBT Legislation
(UPDATED) Traditional Plan survives legal review, but could still set the UMC on path to division over gay marriage and clergy as Judicial Council also approves exit plan for dissenting churches.
Half of Pastors Worry Speaking Out on Social Issues Will Offend People
Protestant clergy feel the pressure around addressing LGBT identity and same-sex marriage, but that doesn’t mean they’ll change their message.
Azusa Pacific Drops Ban on Same-Sex Student Relationships, Again
Revised code of conduct shifts in favor of “uniform standards of behavior for all students.”
United Methodists Vote to Keep Traditional Marriage Stance
The UMC’s increasingly global delegation outweighs US push to shift LGBT positions, leading some progressive congregations to leave.
United Methodists’ LGBT Vote Will Reshape the Denomination
Pulled right and left by various factions of the global church, the UMC’s decision-making body meets this weekend to pick a path forward.
Azusa Pacific Okays Gay Romance (But Not Sex and Marriage)
Christian university is also now hosting a formerly underground LGBT student group.
What I Learned from Same-Sex Abuse Inside the Church
My church mishandled my case. Yours doesn’t have to.
Jackie Hill Perry: I Loved My Girlfriend—but God Loved Me More
How an epiphany about the wages of my sin opened the door for his cleansing light.
Look Outside America for Fresh Insight on American Evangelicals
Melani McAlister’s new history aims to capture what the familiar political story leaves out.
Quick To ListenEpisode 120|40min
Surprise! A Conference for Gay Christians Has Sparked Controversy
Why Revoice has stirred debate about temptation and sin.
Revoice’s Founder Answers the LGBT Conference’s Critics
Orientation is not necessarily sexual, Nate Collins says.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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