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Is Your Church Prepared to Be Found?
People in your community are searching for the church, whether they realize it or not.
We Serve the Purposes of God, Not the Politics of Men
The lust for power and the lure of lies collapse under the weight of truth.
A Coup
As America struggles to comprehend what just happened
How Not to Read Cheesy Books with Your Quarantined Kids
Two judges for the CT Book Awards reflect on what makes books “good”—and why that matters for children during a global crisis.
The Good Life
Redemption to eternal life -- and this life too?
Christian Leaders Pray for Peace and Safety Amid Capitol Mob
For believers under democratic rule, peaceful transitions are “part of honoring and submitting to God’s ordained leaders.”
We Need to Be Better Losers
The legitimacy of US elections requires someone to lose. For Christians, that should be okay.
Like Preacher-Politicians Before Him, Senator Raphael Warnock Will Keep His Pulpit
The Ebenezer Baptist pastor becomes the latest in a line of African American ministers in Congress.
Adopting HopeEpisode 5|41min
Sara Jones: God’s Plans for Your Children May Surprise You
One family’s unexpected journey from international adoption to caring for a child with special needs.
A Pentecost Sort of Plurality
A theologian suggest Pentecost created multiplicity
COVID-19 导致下降, 伤及CCCCU 校园
COVID-19 導致下降, 傷及CCCCU 校園
La Bible passe le test de Bechdel. Elle va même au-delà.
En étudiant les données des conversations des femmes dans les Écritures, voici ce que j’ai trouvé.
Inside RZIM, Staff Push Leaders to Take Responsibility for Scandal
Ravi Zacharias built a reputation for fearless pursuit of the truth. Now the ministry he founded grapples with accountability amid “toxic loyalty culture.”
6 Christian Sites Armenia Fears It Has Lost to Azerbaijan
Photo gallery captures cultural heritage that concerns Armenians most after ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Art of PastoringEpisode 9|34min
A Pastor’s Key to 2021: Grounded Hopefulness
During this new year renewal, we need to grieve what we've lost or endured and also embrace what God has promised to do.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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