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Winter 1981: Success & Church Growth

Volume 2

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In this Issue
Haphazardly Intent: An Approach to Pastoring
An interview with Eugene Peterson
Robert Schuller's Irrepressible Legacy
Robert Schuller's Irrepressible Legacy
Reflections from the life of a ministry pioneer.
The Passover Potluck
Returning meaning to the communion service.
Trauma and Betrayal
Experiences of Leadership Readers
What's So Great About Success?
Before people decide on a full-time ministry, they must realize God may be calling him or her to a ministry of tedious mediocrity.
Success in Three Churches: Diversity and Originality
Tom Minnery reports on three churches that are radically different from one another, yet successful in light of their view of mission.
Good Pastors Don't Make Churches Grow
One of the leading spokesmen of the church growth movement outlines what he believes increases the membership of a church.
Stanley Long shares five books that are helping him in ministry.
To Build or Not to Build
No easy answers exist, but here are examples of congregations thoughtfully struggling to develop facilities without going bankrupt.
Something I Learned From Maxey Jarman
He built a billion-dolar corporation, but neither success nor failure were crucial to his interior life. He treated those two impostors just the same.
Why Are Session Meetings So Boring?
Maybe it's not just a matter of poor leadership and weary volunteers yearning to go homeā€¦
The Greening Of A Discussion Leader
Good discussions don't just happen. Here's how one leader started out and failed--but through trial and error discovered what makes discussion work.
We all feel wounded by a critic's arrows, but they can become goads to progress.
Just an Associate Pastor
One man's experience of the first few years after seminary--mortification and edification.
Church growth is a worthy goal, but is it a measuring stick for success? Observations from five church leaders.
From the Publisher
A Message from the Publisher: January 01, 1981
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