Politics+Current Affairs

God Is King, No Matter What
With election day finally here, the Bible's political metaphors for God remind us who ultimately reigns.
Top 10 Stats Explaining the Evangelical Vote for Trump or Clinton
(UPDATED) These surveys suggest how—and why—evangelicals will split more than usual in 2016 election.
A Farewell to Michelle Obama
No matter where you stand politically, the First Lady has something to offer the church.
However You Vote, Do It with Joy
A Christian approach to politics frees us from duty or strategy.
Trump Ends Evangelicals and Catholics Together
This election, many of evangelicals’ GOP allies across the Tiber are leaving for Clinton.
LifeWay Stops Selling Jen Hatmaker Books over LGBT Beliefs
(UPDATE) Hatmaker says she doesn't need to defend her decision.
The CallingEpisode 28|23min
The Christian Case for Talking Politics
Why Bruce Ashford insists that God's people belong in the public square.
This Is My Body: How Christian Theology Affects Body Image
Two studies examine the intersection of the Bible and body shaming.
Cradle Christians: Protestants Keep the Faith Better Than Catholics or Nones
Pew examines which parents successfully pass their religion to their kids—and whether mom or dad mattered most.
Tampons Are a Justice Issue
While reporting in sub-Saharan Africa, I discovered the 'period problem' and why solutions are tough to come by.
The Bible Never Says ‘All Men are Created Equal’
How the New Testament offers a better, higher calling than the Declaration of Independence.
Incredible Indian Christianity: A Special Report on the World’s Most Vibrant Christward Movement
Why it’s the best and worst of times for India’s burgeoning churches.
Gleanings: November 2016
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our November issue).
Let My People Build
After 160 years of suppression, Egypt makes room for new churches.
1,180 Churches Help World Relief Resettle Refugees at Record Rate
Highest total since 1999 comes as federal judges rule against state attempts to ban Syrian refugees.
Latest Survey: Most Evangelicals Are Not Voting Trump
Measuring Americans by beliefs, not self-identity, makes a big difference in 2016 election polls.
Misogyny Has Its Moment
Things we’re reading and discussing this week.
Asia Bibi Case Delayed by Pakistan Supreme Court
Christian mother of five is the first woman sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan.
How I Stopped Seeing Privilege in Black and White
What God taught this second-generation, child of immigrants about the nuance of status.
The Church and the Huddled Masses
Throughout US history, the church has had a complicated relationship with the "homeless, tempest-tost" looking for a better life.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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