Church Life+Ministry

Common Core Meets VBS
Louisville school officials and churches team up to help kids avoid the "Summer Slump."
God Doesn’t Need You to Go Viral
Christian vloggers walk a fine line between sharing Christ and selling themselves.
God Does Help Those Who Help Themselves
A look at poverty solutions that engage the poor.
Augustines for the 21st Century
The church needs more pastors who write and preach top-notch theology.
Our Plates Runneth Over
For the sake of the church, its mission, and our health, it’s time to talk about our diets.
Saved from Islam on September 11
As I looked up at the burning twin towers, life-changing words came to me—words I suddenly heard inside my head.
One in Three Americans Say Divorce Is Still a Sin in Cases of Abuse
Pastors are more understanding when adultery, spousal abuse, or abandonment occurs.
Lamentations: A Bottle for the Tears of the World
Christopher J. H. Wright explains what one of the Bible's most neglected books teaches about our cries of grief.
Let Go, Let God (and the Homeroom Teacher)
How a helicopter mom learned the grace of hands-off parenting.
The Church's 'Intersex' Challenge
How should we respond to those who don’t seem to have been created male or female?
For the Single Mom Who Feels Invisible
We see you, and we want to help.
Family Christian Stays Open, $127 Million in Debt Erased
Sale will save more than 200 Christian stores but helped to bankrupt at least one Christian publisher.
Faith Meets the Entrepreneurial Spirit
Crowdfunding pioneer Jessica Jackley discusses the redemptive, poverty-fighting work of microfinance.
What Vacation Bible School Looks Like in a Nursing Home
We found some new VBS students: My grandmother and her friends.
Why Some Churches Put a Price on VBS
Charge nothing and overbooked families don’t show; charge too much and you price-out the people you’re trying to reach.
My Weird Childhood Faith Isn’t So Weird Anymore
Witnessing Christianity’s shift over the charismatic church.
For First Time, Youths Acquire the Fire in Myanmar
More than 13,000 Burmese attend Teen Mania rally in one of the ‘worst places for Christians.’
Hudson Taylor and the Power of Gentleness
How the missionary to China responded when his charges were murdered.
Tullian Tchividjian Resigns after Admitting 'Inappropriate Relationship'
(UPDATED) Billy Graham's grandson says hiding from public eye would 'undermine the very message that I claim to believe.'
Arsonists Still Love to Burn Churches
2,378 houses of worship have been torched since 1996.

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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