Church Life+Ministry

Planting New Life in Detroit's Vacated Landscape
How Christians are spearheading the urban farming movement in Motor City.
Faith in a Fallen Empire
Detroit's list of maladies is long. But some Christians' commitment to its renewal is longer.
The Man Who Birthed Evangelicalism
Carl Henry's complex legacy, 100 years after his birth.
The Troubled State of Christian Preaching
What Giglio got right and the church often gets wrong.
Hold Baby Showers, Not Political Debates
How to approach unplanned pregnancies with Christian grace and acceptance.
'Daddy, Why Do People Steal from Us?'
How I answered the question would prove crucial to addressing racial divides in our D.C. neighborhood.
Pay-What-You-Can Restaurants Dish Up Dignity in Denver
A new business model helps close the socioeconomic gap.
Persecuted Christians Have New Allies: World Watch Monitor and Morning Star News
Compass Direct News is no more, but two new groups hope to continue its impact.
Sibling Filmmakers Set Out to Free Austin's Sex Slaves
John and Michelle Nehme are tackling human trafficking in their own background.
Meeting Refugees on the Roofs of Richmond
How a new housing ministry is welcoming the newly arrived.
Departing Diocese Sues Episcopal Church for Identity Protection
(UPDATED) Legal dispute among South Carolina's Episcopalians sent back to state court.
Why Jonathan Bock Wants More Christians in the Arts
The Los Angeles native and PR exec is on the hunt for patrons.
Don't Give Up on Post-Christian Places
Tim Keller shows how the seeds of gospel transformation can take root in rocky secular soil.
Why the Rest of Your Week Matters to God
My Love Affair with Small Town America
The qualities that drive away others are what endear me to my community.
A Sliver of Shalom in the Suburbs
How my Christian community used a plot of land to plant community in an isolated neighborhood.
Breast-feeding in the Back Pew
Why are we so uncomfortable when nursing mothers imitate God in church?
What You Need to Know About the Bay Psalm Book
Boston's Old South Church is selling a copy of the historic volume. Here's why it's such a big deal.
Private Jets for Jesus
Nigeria's Pentecostal preachers say expanding ministries justify their personal planes.
The Seven People Americans Trust More Than Their Pastor
Gallup says only 52 percent give clergy high marks for honesty and ethics.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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