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How Brainy Women Benefit the Church
A recent study suggests that intelligence is often associated with masculinity, not femininity.
God's Feminist Ideals
We're created to be image bearers and justice seekers.
Women’s March Sets Out to Exclude 40 Percent of American Women
What pro-life feminists actually have in common with their pro-choice counterparts.
Phyllis Schlafly Defended Women Like Me
Even with her flaws, the “first lady of the conservative movement” understood a fundamental human desire.
Q+A with Christena Cleveland: 'I Felt for the First Time—I'm Not Alone'
What everyone needs to know about supporting women of color at conferences and in churches.
Quit Calling Them 'Chick Flicks'
With the female-fronted 'Ghostbusters,' it's time to celebrate women in movies.
Bey and Bey's God
God and women's freedom are tied up together in Beyoncé's 'Lemonade.'
Leaving Patriarchy in the Past
Scripture affirms sweeping male authority, says John Stackhouse—just not for all time.
The Feminist Fight Against Abortion
Hearing from the progressive and pro-woman Christians siding with life.
The Problem with 'Mad Max' Feminism
Is men’s propensity for violence really something to be imitated?
Far From the Madding Crowd
A ham-handed treatment of Hardy's Victorian novel that does the feminist inspiration for the film a frustrating disservice.
Why this Evangelical is Grateful for the Mainline Church
Giving thanks for God’s work throughout the church universal.
Why the Time Is Ripe for Pro-Life Reform
Despite what you may have heard, more Americans than ever want abortion access restricted.
Fighting Sexism Like a 'Fair Lady'
What the 50-year-old film reminds us about the power of strong-willed women.
Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman?
Modern female superheroes barely stand for anything. It wasn’t always this way.
Women Don't Need to Become Men in Order to Succeed
In the classroom and the workplace, boys and girls aren't the same. We need to figure out how to support them both.
The Feminists We Forgot
Betty Friedan did not start the “woman movement;” Christians did.
All Women Have Leadership Potential
How the church could do a better job preparing them for positions of power.
Social Activism Before Social Media
Passionate Christian leader Nellie McClung spoke out against indignity at every level.
Blessed Are the Stretch-Marked and Muffin-Topped
What my pregnant and postpartum body taught me about womanhood.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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