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Tu predicación no es la obra de Dios. Tú eres la obra de Dios.
Cómo la transformación interior da forma a la proclamación exterior.
The Puritans Were Masters of Rhetoric Because Rhetoric Wasn’t the Point
Their most eloquent writing and preaching grew from a practical desire to communicate truth.
Died: Robert Shine Sr., Black Baptist Leader in Philadelphia
The pastor was “not a kingmaker” but called Christians to see social issues as God testing the church.
9 in 10 Evangelicals Don’t Think Sermons Are Too Long
Even with recent divides in congregations, survey finds high levels of satisfaction among churchgoers.
Cinco errores a evitar en su sermón de Navidad
Si quiere ayudar a que la gente vea la Navidad con nuevos ojos, empiece por deshacerse de estas conocidas falacias.
Pregando o ‘Pão Nosso de Cada Dia’ em uma Cultura de Excessos
A maioria dos ouvintes de Jesus vivia com dificuldade. E se nossos ouvintes viverem em abundância?
The Worst (and Best) Passage for Generosity Sermons
The widow’s mite story is about more than her sacrificial giving.
Preaching ‘Daily Bread’ in a Culture of Excess
Most of Jesus’ listeners lived hand to mouth. What if ours have plenty?
Generosity Is Liberation
How pastors can teach on money with confidence and conviction.
La generación Z quiere hablar de la fe
Un estudio de Barna muestra que los cristianos de trece a dieciocho años son escépticos respecto al evangelismo, pero tienen conversaciones profundas y personales entre ellos.
Khotbah Anda Bukanlah Karya Allah. Andalah Karya Allah.
Betapa transformasi batin membentuk proklamasi lahiriah.
Charles Spurgeon savait qu'il est possible d'être fidèle et déprimé
Son exemple peut encourager les croyants qui « marchent dans les ténèbres » sans voir de lumière.
Gen Z Wants to Talk about Faith
Barna study shows Christians age 13 to 18 are skeptical of evangelism, but they’re having deep and personal peer-to-peer conversations.
5 Ways Collaborative Sermon Writing Can Help Pastors
How a cross-cultural experiment with a half-dozen church leaders offered me a fresh perspective.
How Thousands of Sermons Addressed the Crises of 2020
Pew analyzes how pastors across traditions preached on COVID-19, the election, and racism.
Charles Stanley: Not Selling CBD
Social media scam is using the Baptist preacher’s name to advertise gummies, oil.
Dissiper le brouillard du mensonge et des « infox » (Fake-News)
La prédication et la formation de disciple traditionnelles peuvent aider à faire face aux thèses conspirationnistes qui menaçent l’accès à la vérité. 
The Art of PastoringEpisode 19|32min
Pastoral Passages
Ronnie Martin and Jared Wilson share the scriptures they treasure as ministers of the gospel.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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