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Day of the Dead Gets New Life
What does it mean for this Hispanic celebration to go mainstream?
Paid Content
Paid Content for National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
Raising Our Standards
It's time to improve education in America.
The Real Benefits of Spanish-Immersion Elementary School
It’s not just about speaking another language.
What the New Majority-Minority Public Schools Mean for Christians
The issue isn’t 'leave or stay' but 'how to serve.'
NYC Explosion Leaves One-Third of Spanish Christian Church Homeless
(UPDATED) Tragedy kills seven, destroys two apartment buildings in Spanish Harlem—including church celebrating 80th year.
Saying Hola to Our Multilingual Reality
God calls us to celebrate our country’s beautiful diversity.
Evangelicals Now Have More Competition for Hispanic Catholic Converts
Hispanic Values Survey adds new wrinkle to research on Latino religious life in America.
Before Surprise Resignation, Regent's Campo Saw Writing on the Wall
Exclusive interview: Carlos Campo on running Pat Robertson's place and what comes next. (Hint: It involves immigration...)
Can Carlos Campo Bridge Anglo and Latino Christian Cultures?
The son of famous entertainer went from valet parker to university president in 10 years. Now that he’s no longer leading Pat Robertson’s school, you’ll be hearing more from him.
Pat Robertson's Successor Suddenly Resigns as Regent President
(UPDATED) Decision by first Latino president of regionally accredited Christian university comes three weeks after school started.
¡Vivan Los Evangelicos! (a CT classic)
Hispanics are not only spicing up U.S. culture, they are fueling the greatest growth in the North American church.
Not All Hispanics Eat Tacos
The 20 different Latin American nationalities represented in el Norte have significant differences in food, slang, values, and immigration history.
Generation Gap
Hispanic and white churches together must face the growing gulf between first- and later-generation Hispanics.
Booming Churches, Barred Pastors: How U.S. Visa Policies Thwart Hiring Ministers
A 2008 crackdown on religious worker visas has left many immigrant churches in the lurch.
Widowed by Our Immigration Laws
How the church can support these modern-day Ruths and Naomis.
Modern Samaritans
Jesus showed us that under the skin, we are all kin.
Billy Graham Meets Martin Luther King Jr.—Again
The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez wants to reclaim the historic evangelical vision that marries evangelism, moral reform, and social crusades.
Evangelicals Lobby Congress for Immigration Reform
Bill Hybels, Richard Land among church leaders participating in today's day of prayer and lobbying in Washington.
God Wants You to Graduate
San Antonio churches are learning that finishing high school equips their youth for greater service.
Why Latino Enrollments Are on the Rise
A new alliance of Christian schools wants to see Hispanics compose 25 percent off their student body by 2015.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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