
Rachel Held Evans Returns to Church
The popular blogger joins the mainline tradition. Can evangelicals wish her well?
Reading Luke Through Latin American Eyes
Justo González explores underappreciated themes in the books of Luke and Acts.
In Defense of 'Worldliness'
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying life on earth. But let Augustine offer a caution.
Unplanned Pregnancy, Unplanned Grace
Wayward teenage years had me fearing I had lost my salvation.
What to Do with the Dull Parts of Scripture
Even the building instructions and genealogies provide crucial teaching.
Want Better Politics? Read More Bible, Say Half of Americans
ABS study find only 1 in 7 read Good Book daily.
The Apologist Mom
Why Melissa Cain Travis thinks it's crucial for her to be a mother and an apologetics scholar.
How Miscarriage Led to My Crisis of Faith
After living in fear, I learned to trust God fully.
Holy Smartphones, and Five Other Things You May Have Missed from Easter 2015
Americans say Jesus was real, but they're less sure he's God.
Keep the Easter Spirit Alive
How physical celebrations can lead to spiritual transformations.
Died: Robert Schuller, Forerunner of the Seeker-Sensitive Movement
The legacy of the audacious and optimistic TV preacher has much to teach Christians about missional creativity and loving those far away from the church.
Sitting, Waiting, and Hoping in the Tomb of Jesus
How the anguished uncertainty of Holy Saturday gives shape to our faith.
Slaughterhouse Gospel
Why God dwelling with us meant gruesome rituals.
There's Still Power in the Blood
Remember when we used to sing about how awesome it is?
Why Stretch Marks Remind Me of the Resurrection
By these scars, we get new life.
Heaven Tourism Books Pulled from Nearly 200 Christian Bookstores
(UPDATED) LifeWay responds to Southern Baptist resolution on 'the sufficiency of Scripture regarding the afterlife.'
The Best Way to Become Like Jesus? Let Jesus Fill Your Vision
An excerpt from 'Rejoicing in Christ.'
Beth Moore: When a Big God Escapes Us
We sometimes fail to see Jesus for who he really is, even when he stands right before us.
Remembering Kara Tippetts and Her ‘Mundane Faithfulness’
Christian mom and blogger saw God in her suffering.
The Lost World of Adam and Eve
Old Testament scholar John Walton affirms a historical Adam—but says there are far more important dimensions to Genesis.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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