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What the Magic Kingdom Reminds Us About the Eternal Kingdom
The happiest place isn't on earth...yet.
Only One-Third of Pastors Share 'Left Behind' End Times Theology
Here's how 1,000 Protestant clergy disagree on the rapture, the Antichrist, and other points of eschatology.
What Your Ministry is Really About
God’s people in God’s presence.
An Earth More Beautiful than Beautiful
What will this stuff look like, I wonder, when God restores it?
Yes, Jesus Has Always Been Our Boyfriend
The biggest difference between old and new hymns isn't Trinitarian theology.
The Critics’ Roundup: ‘The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” and ‘Dig’
Critics weigh in on an aptly-named film and an intriguing start to a "spiritual procedural."
The Rapture Keeps Coming Back
Why are movies about the last days still so popular?
Breaking All the Barriers
How the Spirit at Pentecost decimated humanity’s dividing walls.
Ender's Game
The enemy's gate is down.
Dystopias Catching Fire
Is there anything good in the controversial worlds of Katniss and Ender?
Survey Surprise: Many Americans See Syria as Sign of Bible's End Times
How LifeWay's unexpected findings compare to other assessments of Armageddon.
The Second Coming Christ Controversy: Company with Ties to David Jang Buys 'Newsweek'
Media group that bought the weekly took part in regular Internet chats with Jang to discuss business.
Why Love Never Ends
And why everything else does.
Why It's Hard to Imagine that Heaven Is Real
Learning to grasp what 'no eye has seen, no ear heard, and no mind has conceived.'
How to Eat, Play, Love—And Do Other Christian Acts
Ben Witherington III calls for serious theological reflection on activities that occupy most of our waking hours.
Planting Gardens in Prison: Why We Labor for Shalom Now
Even though we know we can't usher in God's kingdom, we're still called to establish order, beauty, and abundance in this life.
The Second Coming Christ Controversy: More Leaders Speak Out
David Jang's emissaries to Singapore speak for the first time on why they believed he was a new Christ, why they changed their minds, and how his organization operates.
How (Not) to Be Worldly: Tracing the Borders of the 'Earthly City'
What the ancient phrase can teach today's Christians about our attempts at cultural transformation.
The Second Coming Christ Controversy
David Jang has become an increasingly influential figure in Asian and now American evangelicalism. He and his followers have founded media outlets and a Christian college and are key influencers in the World Evangelical Alliance. But many say he leads a group that has encouraged the belief that he's the 'Second Coming Christ.' Is there any truth to the allegations?
The Course of Christian Zionism
A new book surveys the surprising shifts in evangelical and mainline Christian attitudes toward Jewish statehood.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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