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Christians Call for Prayer After Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19
Leaders urge Americans to “put aside partisan politics” and pray in the spirit of 1 Timothy 2.
Is God Talk Gone from the Presidential Debates?
After few faith references by Trump and Biden at party conventions, the candidates are expected to stick to policy discussions when they take the national stage.
Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama All Cited One Puritan Sermon to Explain America
How did a forgotten colonial text become a national origin story?
Seven Deadly Sins, One Presidential Election
Pride, envy, greed, and the rest all rear their heads for 2020.
Joe Biden Campaigns on Faith
Outreach may not bring white evangelicals and Catholics together, but hopeful Democrats are emphasizing the candidate's religious commitments.
Malawi’s New President, a Christian Theologian, Confronts Corruption and Coronavirus
Lazarus Chakwera, an Assemblies of God minister and alumnus of TEDS and Haggai International, hopes his servant leadership will restore faith in government of struggling country.
For Third-Party Christians, Some Things Are More Important Than Winning
Meet the presidential candidates who say they are called to the bottom of the ballot.
Trump Makes Surprise Visit at Historic Church Near White House
Episcopal leaders “outraged” that protestors were cleared for the president’s brief appearance where he raised a Bible for a photo op at St. John’s.
Quick To ListenEpisode 202|53min
Do Democrats Want to Reach Christians?
Who the party has reached out to—and ignored—in past and current presidential campaigns.
Even for Christians, Trump Has Become a Dating Deal-Breaker
More American couples set out to be “equally yoked” on political matters too.
Influential Hispanic Pastor Welcomes ‘Evangelicals for Trump’
The president kicks off 2020 outreach at a Miami church that includes staunch supporters and swing voters.
White House Appoints Paula White to Oversee Faith Outreach
Trump’s longtime prayer partner has considered the move since he took office.
On Court Prophets and Wilderness Prophets
Christian responses to the president.
David Platt Asks God to Grant Trump ‘All the Grace He Needs to Govern’
The “radical” pastor prayed for the president during an unannounced stop at his suburban DC megachurch.
Franklin Graham Declared a Day of Prayer for President Trump. Christian Leaders Weigh In.
How is the church meant to heed Paul’s directive to pray for “those in authority”?
At President Bush’s Funeral, Michael W. Smith Honors His ‘Friend Forever’
The CCM pioneer used to talk faith with George H. W. Bush and Billy Graham. This year, he performed at both of their memorial services.
The Most Famous Metaphor of American Exceptionalism Is a Warning, Not a Boast
John Winthrop’s “city upon a hill” language wasn’t meant to puff up his hearers with pride but to send a chill down their spines.
Why Evangelicals Voted Trump: Debunking the 81%
Ahead of the midterms, the Billy Graham Center Institute examined the most infamous statistic about faith and the 2016 election.
What Are Evangelicals Afraid of Losing?
President Trump’s appeal to fear ignores that Christians seek first the Kingdom, not political favors.
Jimmy Carter at Liberty Is 2018’s Most Surprising Yet Hopeful Commencement Speaker
How the president on the other side of the Moral Majority ended up invited to its unofficial headquarters.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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