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In Shadow of Death, Palestinian Christians and Messianic Jews Relapse on Reconciling
The body of Christ is breaking in Israel amid Jerusalem embassy move and Gaza border violence.
The CallingEpisode 67|54min
John Perkins On The Day He Finally Understood The Bible
How a textual discovery led to a life-long call to vindicate the poor, his community, and his own family name.
John Perkins Has Hope for Racial Reconciliation. Do We?
The civil rights hero delivers his “final manifesto” on race and the church’s call to unity.
Colombia’s Next President Could Be an Evangelical Woman
Viviane Morales explains why truth and repentance will heal the scarred South American nation more than prison sentences for FARC rebels.
The Palms, the Temple, and the Nations
What made Jesus explode in the Temple on Monday is actually related to his Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday.
Poured Out for the Church
Releasing the desire to be right, even when you’ve been wronged
The CallingEpisode 55|41min
We Found Fellowship on the Opposite Side of the Immigration Debate
A border patrol agent and an immigration reform activist discuss the spiritual roots of their unlikely friendship.
An Innocent Black Man Forgave the Crooked White Cop Who Framed Him
And that’s good news—but not cause for ignoring larger patterns of injustice.
The CallingEpisode 52
For Latasha Morrison, Unity Begins with Relationship
The “Be the Bridge” founder on why building cross-cultural friendships should be the Church’s starting line.
Black and White Christian Leaders Lament Charlottesville
Conference call tries to turn ‘pain and anger’ into ‘resolve and commitment.’
Fellow Christian, I’m Going To Assume The Best Of You – Even If You Don’t Give Me The Same Courtesy
If we look for the worst in people, we’ll get bucketloads of it. If we look for the best, we’ll get that.
When You've Been Wronged
Is forgiveness more important than justice?
How 1,000 Pastors Pursue Racial Reconciliation
Personal relationships and prayer preferred over preaching and protests.
John Perkins: I Wish I Had Done More to Help Poor White People
An excerpt from ‘Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win.’
Face to Face with the Man Who Killed My Son
“God forgave me. Who am I not to forgive?”
Latasha Morrison: The Church Is the ‘Only Place Equipped to Do Racial Reconciliation Well’
The founder of Be the Bridge reveals her vision for solving America's race problem.
Ministry on the Alaskan Frontier
Curtis Ivanoff talks leadership and reconciliation in America’s most diverse census tract.
I'm Offended! By Easily-Offended Christians
If Christmas comes and goes without a red cup scandal, did it really happen?
Have Coffee With a Radical: The Value of Listening to People We Disagree With
If we’re only hearing from people who think like us, we're missing out on a lot. Politically, theologically and relationally.
A Farewell to Michelle Obama
No matter where you stand politically, the First Lady has something to offer the church.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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