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The God Who Overpowers Childhood Trauma
A new book crawls into the lives of children at risk, enters their desperation, and accompanies them on their journey toward redemption.
Jack Deere Went Through Hell to Come to Faith
The theologian’s memoir is refreshingly raw about the wounds he’s suffered—and the wounds he’s inflicted.
Joni Eareckson Tada: Why Suicide Is Everybody’s Business
Society’s moral resolve hinges on the interdependence of the sick and the well.
With Rising Teen Suicides, the Church Cannot Afford Mixed Messages on Mental Health
How ministries can play a role in getting youth the support they need.
The Truth about Suicide
More and more Americans are taking their own lives. How the church can step up.
1 in 3 Protestant Churchgoers Personally Affected by Suicide
Survey also finds one-third of victims were attending church before their death, but few pastors knew of their struggle.
Too Soon for Perry Noble's Second Chance at Church?
NewSpring says its founder, who was fired last year, still isn't qualified to pastor.
Messages from the Edge: Suicide Notes on Social Media
How Facebook turns the left-behind into horrified witnesses.
Dear Laura: About Your Mental Health
How a church can heal.
Physician-Assisted Suicide in California Becomes Legal as Gov. Brown Signs Bill
(UPDATED) Controversial law, inspired by Brittany Maynard, allows physicians to prescribe lethal drugs to terminally ill.
Ashley Madison and the Danger of Glamorizing the Sin We Denounce
Exposing someone to a previously unknown opportunity to sin makes us foolhardy at best, and co-conspirators at worst.
How We Became Too Busy for Friends
Our surface-level relationships have social and spiritual consequences.
Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill Scrapped in California
(UPDATED) Christian, disability, and medical groups persuade lawmakers to reject End of Life Option Act.
Into the Whirlwind
My first week on the job included an exorcism and suicide.
Tips for Preventing Suicide
Take action based on the level of risk
'Broken' Ergun Caner Resigns as President of Brewton-Parker College
Caner brought struggling school back to health. Now he will focus on his own.
When Pastors Pray, Part 2
God called me to minister to desperate ministers
When Pastors Pray, Part 1
God called me to minister to desperate ministers
I was Going to Commit Suicide, but…
An invitation to a friend may save a life.
1 in 4 Pastors Have Struggled with Mental Illness, Finds LifeWay and Focus on the Family
Family ministry has LifeWay Research examine how well (or not well) churches address mental health.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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