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Colorado Christian School Faces Shutdown Threat Over COVID-19 Response
After a recent outbreak, leaders say they’re prioritizing parental decision-making over county protocols on masking and social distancing.
Max Lucado Diagnosed with an Aortic Aneurysm, Asks for Prayer
Update: Lucado shares the good news of his blood vessel bulge improving and no longer requiring surgery.
Daniel Darling Fired from NRB After Pro-Vaccine Remarks
The ministry’s former spokesman had appeared in national media explaining why he as a Christian trusts the COVID-19 vaccine.
Bethlehem Baptist Leaders Clash Over ‘Coddling’ and ‘Cancel Culture’
A debate over “untethered empathy” underscores how departing leaders, including John Piper’s successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse.
Former Mars Hill Elders: Mark Driscoll Is Still ‘Unrepentant,’ Unfit to Pastor
Dozens of leaders from the preacher’s former congregation are calling for him to resign from The Trinity Church, where departing members are raising familiar concerns.
How Josh Duggar Shifted Homeschoolers’ Sense of Security
After recognizing that sin and evil aren’t outside threats, families are doing more to promote abuse awareness.
DC Settles $220K Capitol Hill Baptist Lawsuit
UPDATE: Mark Dever’s church has its legal fees covered in the latest legal victory among congregations who sued over worship service limits during lockdown.
How Thousands of Sermons Addressed the Crises of 2020
Pew analyzes how pastors across traditions preached on COVID-19, the election, and racism.
How COVID-19 Reshaped Campus Ministry
As students report high levels of anxiety and isolation in a new InterVarsity survey, ministry leaders look to small groups to provide community for Gen Z.
While Southern Baptists Debate Critical Race Theory, Black Pastors Keep Hoping for Change
Frank I. Williams of the Bronx is optimistic the convention can continue to address racism and promote diversity—if leaders like him commit to being part of the solution.
Miami-Area Churches Pray for Miracles, Minister to Rescue Teams After Condo Collapse
Nearby congregations offer snacks and spiritual care to those tasked with “bringing order to the chaos.”
O For Six Unmasked Tongues to Sing: England Still Quieting Worship
Bands are rocking post-pandemic services, but congregants can’t yet join in.
Why Church Can’t Be the Same After the Pandemic
As we gather again, congregants bring the weight of trauma and tensions built up over more than a year spent apart.
Southern Baptists Approve Major Investigation Into Abuse Response
Pastors speaking on behalf of victims pushed for a task force to direct inquiry into the Executive Committee.
Southern Baptists Elect Ed Litton as New President
The Alabama pastor, known for his inclusion of women and work on racial justice, beat out Mike Stone of the Conservative Baptist Network in a runoff.
Southern Baptists Take Sides Ahead of Nashville Meeting
A recent call to investigate the Executive Committee over abuse responses is the latest issue up for debate. Opposing factions in the SBC both say its future is at stake.
China Sanctions Evangelical Leader Who Called Out Religious Freedom Violations
Johnnie Moore, an outgoing USCIRF commissioner, spoke up to ask governments to stop ignoring Chinese treatment of Uyghur Muslims, Christians, and Tibetan Buddhists.
Southern Baptists Prep for Biggest Convention in 24 Years
President J. D. Greear calls for prayers for gospel unity ahead of the Nashville gathering.
Southern Baptist Church Planting Up in 2020, But Baptisms Plunge by Half
The pandemic accelerates more than a decade of decline for the denomination.
Is It Discrimination or ‘Do No Harm’? Christian Doctors Gear Up for Transgender Debates
As HHS challenges continue to play out in court, the Christian Medical and Dental Associations provides a more robust position statement on treating patients with gender dysphoria.