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Southern Baptists Down to Lowest in 30 Years
While giving is up, membership, baptism, and church numbers continued to drop in 2018.
1 in 10 Young Protestants Have Left a Church Over Abuse
As the generation most likely to report experiencing misconduct and least likely to tolerate it, Christians under 35 stand to shape how congregations respond.
Bible Translation Projects Are Preserving Endangered Languages
While the world loses a language every 40 days, translation efforts bring new life to threatened tongues.
10 Women Who Are Changing the Southern Baptist Response to Abuse
Meet the survivors and advocates whose voices spurred “holy rumblings” in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.
Welcome to Church. Want to Take a Selfie?
With photo booths for special occasions, Instagram-friendly congregations navigate the tension between sharing faith and showing off.
Harvest Halts James MacDonald’s Walk in the Word
Megachurch takes down sermons broadcast as part of former pastor’s 21-year teaching ministry.
Asia Bibi Finally Leaves Pakistan for Canada
Months after escaping a death sentence, the Pakistani Christian will live with her family in safety again.
Russian Evangelicals Penalized Most Under Anti-Evangelism Law
The tight restrictions on minority faiths have increasingly gotten Protestants in trouble and continue to raise concerns over religious freedom.
Sri Lanka’s Christian Refugees Displaced by Retaliation Threats
Pakistani asylum seekers in Negombo fled terrorist attacks in their home country, only to fear retribution for more deadly violence in their place of refuge.
New HHS Rule Protects Pro-Life Health Care Workers
UPDATE: Under Trump, federal policy keeps shifting away from abortion rights in favor of religious conscience protections.
Terrorists in Burkina Faso Execute Six at Pentecostal Church
(UPDATED) Assemblies of God pastor preferred to “die for his faith rather than leave the village” he served for decades.
America’s Largest Christian Adoption Agency Lets LGBT Couples Foster in 1 of 35 States
After ACLU lawsuit, Bethany Christian Services shifts foster care placement policy to comply with Michigan’s new requirements.
Why Missions Experts Are Redefining ‘Unreached People Groups’
Fewer than 1 percent of missionaries end up among the world's least-Christian peoples. New categories aim to highlight the areas most desperate for the gospel.
Easter Suicide Bombings Kill 290 at Sri Lankan Churches and Hotels
(UPDATED) Christians end Holy Week shaken by coordinated attacks at Sunday morning services and brunches on opposite coasts of the island nation.
Sovereign Grace Calls Outside Investigation ‘Impossible’
The church network pushed back against renewed scrutiny around SGC and former president C. J. Mahaney’s response to abuse claims.
Hong Kong Pastor Facing Prison Preaches the Sermon of His Life
The Baptist leader, convicted for his role in the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement protests, takes the stand with a biblical defense for human rights and civil disobedience.
Pastor Parking Paves the Way for Controversial Church Taxes
Some congregations will file taxes for the first time to comply with a new 21 percent tax on employee parking.
Died: Robert Finley, Reformer of Foreign Missions
After preaching at Billy Graham rallies and revivals in Asia, the Christian Aid Mission founder introduced new emphasis on supporting indigenous missionaries.
China Shuts Down Another Big Beijing Church
Shouwang Church, which famously kept meeting outdoors after losing its pastor and worship space, is the fourth major unregistered congregation to be forcibly closed in recent months.
Britain Uses Violent Bible Verses to Deny Iranian Convert Asylum
Latest example of immigration officials deploying Scripture to keep former Muslims out of UK comes as Church of England adds an official Farsi liturgy due to demand.