Politics+Current Affairs

Pray for Aleppo? Survey Says Fewer Christians Pray for Refugees
World Vision president sees ‘America’s heart closing’ to Syria and Iraq.
This Christmas, Remember the Refugees
The Nativity scene would be empty without Jews, Arabs, Africans, and displaced people. Here's what that means for your holiday.
Is It Too Late for Russell Moore to Say Sorry?
Southern Baptist leader's critiques of Trump and his supporters are having an impact beyond the election.
Free Pastor Andrew: Christians Rally for Missionary Jailed in Turkey
American pastor caught up in terrorism sweep by Muslim-majority country he served for more than 20 years.
School Christmas Carols Banned in Santa’s Homeland
Turkish government labeled a Grinch for putting students’ holiday traditions on hold.
What Happens when Churches Read Together
We need to read the Bible, certainly—but also history, literature, current events, and everything else under the sun.
Who's Ministering in Mosul? Persecuted Christians from Burma
As ISIS flees, some of the first frontline Christians already know how to follow Jesus in a war zone.
Congrats, Frank Wolf: Obama Approves Expansion of International Religious Freedom Act
IRFA modernization gives State Department new tools to protect Christians (and others) persecuted by ISIS.
The Wrath the World Needs
An excerpt from ‘The Crucifixion,’ CT's 2017 Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year.
Christianity Today’s 2017 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Here’s What Happens When Christmas Falls on a Sunday
Just 1 in 10 churches will cancel worship services this December 25.
Bombing of Cairo Church’s Sunday Service Kills Dozens on Muhammad’s Birthday
Attack on spiritual center of Egyptian Christianity is deadliest modern terrorism against Copts.
Compassion: 145,000 Children Could Lose Sponsorship by Christmas
Christian charity's largest country, India, no longer lets it transfer money. And now it's run out.
Fairness for All: Evangelicals Explore Truce on LGBT and Religious Rights
It worked in Utah. But national effort by the CCCU and NAE will be more complicated.
Christians Win Nepal's First Anti-Evangelism Case
Court frees grief counselors charged under former Hindu kingdom's new constitution.
Opposition to Assisted Suicide Dies Out
Most Americans, including 4 in 10 evangelicals, want doctors to help terminally ill patients end their lives.
Why One Standing Rock Pastor Won't Preach About the Pipeline
Tonya White Mountain lives out the Christian call to be a peacemaker.
British Government Affirms Christmas at Work
New report details when workers' faith expression is protected and when it can get them fired.
Why Many Colombian Protestants Opposed Peace with FARC Fighters
Three seminary leaders explain how believers balanced justice vs. grace.
How Fidel Castro's Death Will Affect Cuba's Christian Revival
It won't. And that's (mostly) a good thing.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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