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Wang Zhiming: Miao Martyr Memorialized in Westminster Abbey
He was tortured for his faith but remained steadfast through the Cultural Revolution.
Petra Means Rock Churches: Jordan Permits Site’s First Prayers in 1,400 Years
Religious tourism initiative at ancient city recalls Moab, Byzantium, and Arab tribal Christianity, amid speculation on Paul’s possible first missionary journey.
Viral JesusEpisode 111|40min
‘You Have to Be Prepared to Die Before You Can Begin to Live’
In 1963, Birmingham was the epicenter of racial injustice—until a movement of pastors, churches, and children disrupted the hate. Journalist Paul Kix says it’s a story he was destined to tell.
He Enzheng: Female Missionary Pioneer in Xinjiang
Her faith and sacrifices have inspired many Chinese Christians to devote their lives to mission in the Muslim region.
Big, Big Market: Why CCM Filled ’80s and ’90s Homes
Recent histories, documentaries, and devotionals prompt fans to look back—and perhaps learn some lessons—from the genre’s heyday.
The Weird True History of the Easter Bunny
From Constantinople to “the Singing Cowboy,” the odd folk tradition of egg-delivering rabbits was invented bit by bit.
‘God & Country’ Preaches to the Choir
Rob Reiner’s documentary makes a strong case against political extremism in the name of Christ—for those who already agree.
How We Learned to Hate Genocide
Caesar boasted of thousands of civilian deaths. Christianity is the reason we mourn even one.
Nos demi-vérités à propos de Martin Luther King
Dans les années 60, les évangéliques blancs désavouaient Martin Luther King Jr. Dans les années 80, tout le monde le portait aux nues. Comment finalement nous souvenir de lui aujourd’hui ?
Le contraire de l’abus, c’est l’attention à l’autre.
À l’heure des scandales d’abus spirituels, l’Église primitive offre un modèle inspirant d’exercice des responsabilités pastorales.
Leer por amor al mundo
La mayoría de los cristianos se sienten cómodos con los clásicos. No obstante, la literatura contemporánea nos da señales de que nuestro prójimo está buscando redención y esperanza.
Soong Mei-Ling: A Christian First Lady
Throughout political turmoil, Soong Mei-ling remained steadfast in her Christian nationalist beliefs and supported spreading the gospel in China and Taiwan.
The Half-Truths We’ve Told About MLK
In the ’60s, white evangelicals condemned Martin Luther King Jr. In the ’80s, we lauded a convenient, hagiographic version of his life. How should we remember him now?
As 10 principais descobertas da arqueologia bíblica em 2023
Do antigo DNA israelita a um fosso ao redor de Jerusalém, estas são as descobertas que deixaram os estudiosos do mundo bíblico maravilhados no ano passado.
The Funny, Confusing Sincerity of ‘The Book of Clarence’
Jeymes Samuel’s anachronistic biblical epic nods to classics like “Ben-Hur” and “Life of Brian”—and ends with a surprisingly earnest view of Christ.
‘Cultural Christians’ Have Existed for as Long as Christians Have Existed
We often credit the early church with heroic faithfulness. But it was hardly innocent of accommodation and compromise.
10 наиболее значимых библейских археологических открытий 2023 года
От ДНК древних израильтян до рва вокруг Иерусалима – открытия, которые восхитили ученых-библеистов в этом году.
10 найбільш значущих біблійних археологічних відкриттів 2023 року
Від ДНК стародавніх ізраїльтян до рову навколо Єрусалима – відкриття, якими цього року захоплюються вчені-біблеїсти.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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