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With Sexual Sin, Truth and Mercy Triumph over Judgment
What I've learned from both sides of a hard conversation.
Two Marvelous Truths Help Me Say No to Sexual Sin
As a same-sex-attracted woman married to a man, I was struggling to ward off temptation on my own power. Then God showed me I didn’t have to.
What’s a Christian to Do with Statements and Confessions?
Public pressure to sign or abstain from them undermines their greatest value.
‘You Can’t Just Tell Us What to Believe’
Gregory Coles says the church should offer “breathing room” for gay Christians, like himself, who want to pursue sexual holiness.
I Never Became Straight. Perhaps That Was Never God’s Goal.
Why I embraced the Bible's sexual ethic before I understood it.
When It Comes to Sexuality, ‘We Can’t Simply Review the Verses Anymore’
Pastor Todd Wilson wants to recover the deeper theological and moral meaning of being made male and female.
Actually, Eugene Peterson Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage
(UPDATED) In retraction, popular author affirms 'a biblical view of everything'—including marriage.
Eugene Peterson Shrugs
Why theological indifference is worse than progressivism.
LifeWay Prepared to Stop Selling The Message Over Eugene Peterson’s LGBT Comments
When asked about same-sex marriage, popular evangelical author goes in a different direction.
Supreme Court to Decide If Christian Businesses Must Serve Gay Weddings
Colorado baker faces fines for refusing cakes for same-sex couples.
Finding My ‘True Self’ as a Same-Sex Attracted Woman
In my young-adult struggle with sexual identity, both legalistic condemnation and progressive license left me floundering.
Texas Adoption Law Could Jumpstart Christian Agencies Again
Some providers paused services out of fear of legal backlash for not placing children with gay couples.
'Moonlight' Is a Flawed, But Rewarding Exercise in Christian Empathy
The Oscar favorite's portrayal of black, gay experience is at odds with a biblical sexual ethic—but for some, it might be worth the discomfort.
Henri Nouwen’s Weakness Was His Strength
How a gifted, high-achieving spiritual guide learned to share his wounds with others.
Quick To ListenEpisode 33|34min
LifeWay's Jen Hatmaker Decision: What Evangelical Institutions Can Learn
Speaker and author Rosaria Butterfield explains why organizations must require more than early church creeds.
LifeWay Stops Selling Jen Hatmaker Books over LGBT Beliefs
(UPDATE) Hatmaker says she doesn't need to defend her decision.
InterVarsity Asks Staff to Choose a Stance on Sexuality
Campus ministry's push for theological consistency prompts painful backlash.
What Americans Think of What Evangelicals Think of Religious Liberty
How both sides of the debates over same-sex marriage, transgender bathroom access, and employer-provided contraception feel about each other.
Southern Africans Set to Test Anglican Ban on Same-Sex Unions
The province is scheduled to vote on gay clergy and blessing civil unions.
Same-Sex Couples More Likely to Ask Presbyterian Pastors to Marry Them
More pastors are open to LGBT people serving in their churches than being married there, LifeWay finds.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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