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CT en español: El coronavirus y la iglesia
¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre COVID-19? ¿Qué debemos hacer en respuesta? Lea aquí.
En Italia, he redescubierto el poder de tres tipos de oración
Los Salmos de lamento se sentían hiperbólicos antes de la pandemia. Pero en medio de 13 mil muertes, mi iglesia en Roma, cerrada por el confinamiento obligatorio, resuena más que nunca con el lamento de David.
Cristianos, ‘aplanemos la curva’ pero sigamos siendo una ‘religión para los enfermos’
Los médicos reflexionan teológicamente sobre tres contribuciones cristianas distintivas a las preparaciones de COVID-19.
Canceled Mission Trips Expected to Have Long-Term Fallout
Without the typical influx of volunteers, ministries revise their plans and experts fear a COVID-19 kink in the missionary pipeline.
¿Debería su iglesia dejar de reunirse para evitar el avance de COVID-19?
Un experto en salud mundial le comparte cómo tomaron la decisión tres iglesias de Seattle, y ofrece herramientas para que su congregación responda ahora.
Influential Hispanic Pastor Welcomes ‘Evangelicals for Trump’
The president kicks off 2020 outreach at a Miami church that includes staunch supporters and swing voters.
Missionary Deaths Mark End of Era
Ann Hill and Dan Coker were the vanguard of Churches of Christ missions to Latin America.
God Blessed My Church with Migrants
I don’t want to imagine my community without faithful leaders like Cesar Quintero.
Fleeing North in the Full Armor of God
When our church offered therapy to traumatized migrants, we witnessed the healing power of Scripture.
Cuban Christians Unite Against New Constitution
Before the vote passed, evangelicals flexed unprecedented political might in a controversial campaign opposing a new definition of marriage and other national reforms.
Quick To ListenEpisode 135|57min
Why Latino Evangelicals Vote Beyond Immigration
What are the political priorities of this diverse group of American Christians?
The Many Flavors of Latino Protestantism
Three sociologists look at the impact of this growing body of believers on the American church.
The State of the Puerto Rican Church, One Year After Maria
The hurricane that destroyed the island has completely shaken its approach to ministry.
20 Cuban Pastors and Spouses Killed in Plane Crash
Nazarene officials say ‘God is still in control’ after regional leaders die on the way home from Havana retreat.
Blessed Through Israel: How Guatemala’s Evangelicals Inspired Its Embassy Move
As Pentecostalism rises in Latin America, so does spiritual and political support for the Holy Land.
Families Who Cross the Border Together Won’t Stay Together
(Update) Top evangelical leaders ask the president to “resolve this situation of families being separated.”
Between Two Cultures: How Latina Christians Approach Leadership
Yvette Santana pilots a new project to coalesce Hispanic women.
How a Hotshot New Yorker Found Jesus in Paraguay
Es complicado.
Why Rio Was Upset a Pastor Didn’t Come to Carnival
Evangelicals have mixed feelings about mayor Marcelo Crivella, the latest symbol of Protestant ascendancy in Catholic Brazil.
Why Many Colombian Protestants Opposed Peace with FARC Fighters
Three seminary leaders explain how believers balanced justice vs. grace.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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