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At Its Best, American Patriotism Is Blessed with Two-Dimensional Vision
A healthy love of country looks backward and forward, recognizes triumphs and failures, and flows from the head and the heart alike.
Mengapa Mendefinisikan Gosip menjadi Penting dalam Tanggapan Gereja terhadap Pelecehan?
Apakah kita terlalu menahan perkataan kita? Usaha orang-orang Kristen untuk memulihkan pemahaman alkitabiah tentang desas-desus yang berbahaya versus kritik yang membangun.
Siapa yang Akan Membantu Generasi Z dari Kecemasan, Depresi, dan Tindakan Bunuh Diri? Rohaniwan Kaum Muda Beralih ke Konseling.
Kesadaran baru akan kesehatan mental membuat para pelayan Tuhan harus mencari sumber daya.
Dari Kubur Kosong hingga Pelecehan Masa Kini: Percayailah Wanita
Saya dulu adalah seorang apologet RZIM. Mempercayai sumber wanita adalah kunci kesaksian Kristen.
Святой Дух не освобождает нас от ответственности, Он освобождает нас, чтобы мы имели ответственность
Духовность, обретенная в Пятидесятницу, призывает христиан в публичные сферы, чтобы мы посвятили свою жизнь заботе о других людях
Para cristãos cosmopolitas, a aprovação secular é uma tentação comum
Os crentes da elite muitas vezes parecem mais discípulos de Jacques Derrida do que de Jesus Cristo. Isso precisa mudar.
Por qué dejé de considerar “aburridas” algunas partes de la Biblia
Las Escrituras son una puerta y un festín cuando haces las preguntas correctas.
Blog Forum | PivotEpisode 002|1 hr
Making a Positive Impact on Social Media, with Doug Bursch, EP 002
Karl Vaters interviews Doug Bursch about his new book, Posting Peace.
Hello Revival
Spiritual Wellness Company
Nepal Churches Struggle to Serve as COVID-19 Kills 100+ Pastors
Amid a second wave of infections, Christian leaders wrestle with leadership vacuum and how openly to raise funds to aid neighbors under a suspicious government.
Independence Day Calls Us to the Holy Work of Repair
Our flag symbolizes the beauty of American ideals and the brokenness of our history.
Cómo combatir la cultura de presión de grupo en nuestras iglesias
Ejemplos recientes de ministerios caídos nos muestran que la conformidad puede ser peligrosa.
Lea la Palabra de Dios como un poema, no como un manual de instrucciones
Según Matthew Mullins, el método de enseñanza de la Biblia siempre conlleva más que información y guía.
Três fatores cruciais para uma real recuperação da pandemia
O Antigo Testamento oferece um modelo de como restaurar a comunidade e a vida econômica após um desastre.
Evangelical Covenant Church Rebukes Doctrine Justifying Colonization of Native Land
Standing with indigenous people, leaders are also calling for a deeper look into US residential schools.
Pew: What India’s Christians, Hindus, Muslims and More Think About Religion
(UPDATED) Pew surveys 30,000 Indians across 6 faiths and 17 languages and finds support for tolerance yet also segregation.
While Southern Baptists Debate Critical Race Theory, Black Pastors Keep Hoping for Change
Frank I. Williams of the Bronx is optimistic the convention can continue to address racism and promote diversity—if leaders like him commit to being part of the solution.

Top Story May 1, 2024

Luci Shaw Wants to Open the Windows
Luci Shaw Wants to Open the Windows
In Reversing Entropy, the 95-year-old poet looks lovingly at creation.

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