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Devotional: With Gratitude and Restlessness – for God and Others
Reflection on Exodus 23:9
Light of the World
Prayer for the Week
Video: Infectious Disease Expert on How the Church Can Help During COVID-19
Video: What churches need to know about the practical public health realities of coronavirus and how to safely and compassionately respond.
Weekly Meanderings, 16 January 2021
Our weekly selection of links across the web.
March for Life Plans Disrupted by DC Security Concerns
The annual event is asking participants to “stay home” for the first time since Roe v. Wade.
Why Hope Is Essential to Transforming Extreme Poverty
We must begin by understanding what holds people back—and what gives them true hope.
Only Biblical Peacemaking Resolves Racial and Political Injustice
No other group is better situated to bring healing to this land than the church.
Herman Bavinck’s Balancing Act, and Ours
As a new biography shows, the Dutch Reformed theologian was adept at navigating perennial tensions of Christ and culture.
‘Soul’ and the Purpose-Driven Generation
Disney Pixar’s latest film reminds us that life is meaningful beyond achieving our goals or saving the world.
Forward Operating Bases
Can we now move on and start loving our neighbor?
Os 50 países onde é máis difícil seguir a Cristo en 2021
As últimas estatísticas sobre a persecución da xente cristiá amosan que 3 de cada 4 mártires están en Nixeria, que cualificou por primeira vez entre os 10 países de maior persecución. O Sudán finalmente sae dese grupo e a India queda, mentres que Mozambique e a RDC engádense á lista de análise de Open Doors.
Els 50 països on és més difícil ser cristià l'any 2021
La recerca més recent sobre la persecució de cristians mostra que 3 de cada 4 màrtirs són de Nigèria, que apareix al grup dels 10 pitjors països en persecució de cristians per primer cop. El Sudan, finalment, desapareix d’aquest grup, mentre que l’Índia hi segueix apareixent. S’afegeix Moçambic i la RDC a la Llista de Portes Obertes.
關於基督徒受迫害情況的最新研究表明,四分之三的殉道者在尼日利亞,它首次躋身基督徒受迫害最嚴重的十個國家的行列。 蘇丹終於跌出前十名,印度還名列其中,而莫桑比克和剛果民主共和國則被加到了Open Doors 的觀察名單中。
Houston Megachurch Pastor Sentenced to Prison Over $3.5M Fraud Scheme
Church leaders believe entrepreneurial pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell already accounted for the wrong by apologizing and repaying investors.
Trump and Biden Disagree on Sanctions. So Do Evangelicals Outside the US.
Longstanding foreign policy tool impacts national economies. But evangelicals from US to Syria and Iran differ on who deserves blame.
God Called Me to Encourage Fellow Black Students in White Coats
CCCU Young Alumni Award winner discusses how diversity in medicine improves care for the most vulnerable.
Let Her Preach
Missional Theology's Big Both-And
Missional theology wants to hold tensions in a balancing act
Lima Puluh Negara Paling Berbahaya bagi Pengikut Yesus pada Tahun 2021
Menurut laporan terbaru tentang persekusi umat Kristen, tiga dari empat martir ditemukan di Nigeria. Tahun ini, Nigeria masuk untuk pertama kalinya dalam jajaran sepuluh besar negara dengan tingkat persekusi paling parah.

Top Story April 30, 2024

Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
A late historian explores how crusade hymns told both the classic story of gospel salvation and the evolving story of evangelical worship music.

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