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Iraqi Christians in the US Face Deportation Again
Some Chaldean detainees lost their chance to fight to stay. But it’s still unclear if their home country will let them back.
Pastor Parking Paves the Way for Controversial Church Taxes
Some congregations will file taxes for the first time to comply with a new 21 percent tax on employee parking.
Died: Robert Finley, Reformer of Foreign Missions
After preaching at Billy Graham rallies and revivals in Asia, the Christian Aid Mission founder introduced new emphasis on supporting indigenous missionaries.
China Shuts Down Another Big Beijing Church
Shouwang Church, which famously kept meeting outdoors after losing its pastor and worship space, is the fourth major unregistered congregation to be forcibly closed in recent months.
US Catholics Now as Concerned About Persecution as Climate Change or Refugees
But more than a third incorrectly believe Christians suffer less than half of world’s religious freedom violations.
Britain Uses Violent Bible Verses to Deny Iranian Convert Asylum
Latest example of immigration officials deploying Scripture to keep former Muslims out of UK comes as Church of England adds an official Farsi liturgy due to demand.
Francis Chan Explains Why He’ll Share a Stage With Benny Hinn
“There are millions who will never hear strong biblical teaching unless teachers are willing to go.”
LifeWay to Close All 170 Christian Stores
The nation’s biggest Christian retail chain ends its brick-and-mortar operations.
China Tells Christianity To Be More Chinese
Is this a case of government oppression or the Chinese church coming into its own? How to understand “sinicization.”
Azusa Pacific Drops Ban on Same-Sex Student Relationships, Again
Revised code of conduct shifts in favor of “uniform standards of behavior for all students.”
Templeton Prize Winner: Marcelo Gleiser, Physicist Who Beholds the Universe’s Mysteries
The agnostic is credited with bringing believers and religious questions into the scientific realm.
How Should Christians Respond to Christchurch Mosque Massacre?
Eleven evangelical experts weigh in as death toll of New Zealand Muslims hits 50.
Court Overturns Atheist Victory Against Pastors’ Best Benefit
Seventh Circuit rules Clergy Housing Allowance is constitutional, despite challenge by Freedom from Religion Foundation.
Grand Canyon University’s Online Seminary Gains Accreditation
After shedding its for-profit status, GCU becomes a bigger competitor for traditional Christian colleges.
African American Students Respond to Southern Seminary’s Slavery Report
After an unflinching look at its racist past, SBC’s flagship seminary aims to honor a more diverse population on campus.
Gleanings: April 2019
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our April issue).
Cinema of God: Muslims Memorialize Augustine
North African nations bring church father to the silver screen.
The Church Growth Gap: The Big Get Bigger While the Small Get Smaller
The US congregations most likely to grow are the 10 percent that already have more than 250 worshipers.
What to Give Up for Lent 2019? Consider Twitter’s Top 100 Ideas
(UPDATED) Among abstentions the week of Ash Wednesday, food ideas are twice as popular as technology and personal habits.
Did Trump and Kim’s Summit Help North Korean Christians?
Experts analyze the impact on persecuted believers after the two polemic leaders walk away without a deal.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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