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A Páscoa não é um mero símbolo
O sepulcro vazio é a prova de que o amor de Deus triunfa sobre a morte. Essa verdade perdura, e não depende de nós.
A guerra cultural não é uma guerra espiritual
Nossos oponentes ideológicos não são o inimigo.
Em tempos de divisão, é preciso falar mais sobre inimigos
Parece contraditório. Mas há razões bíblicas e culturais para acreditar nisso.
Five Indian Christians Who Fought for India’s Freedom
Following Jesus’ example, many lived simply, humbly, and selflessly to uplift the poor and marginalized, and their faith in God nurtured their hopes for liberation.
Iranians Gain 12 New Ways to Read the Bible
Marginalized minority groups receive New Testament translations. “If Jesus delays his return, they will say: Christians preserved our culture.”
Os ecos de Gênesis em Darwin
A ciência evolucionária tem raízes surpreendentes em uma visão hebraica da realidade.
Le contraire de l’abus, c’est l’attention à l’autre.
À l’heure des scandales d’abus spirituels, l’Église primitive offre un modèle inspirant d’exercice des responsabilités pastorales.
One Underrated Way to Enrich Your Christian Political Witness: Be a Better Christian
Personal discipleship and spiritual formation are hardly irrelevant to the rough-and-tumble of public debate.
After New Hampshire, Evangelicals Brace for Another Trump Nomination
Is the church ready for a repeat?
Il examine les récits des chrétiens qui ont connu le pire.
Le travail de ce chercheur de Portes Ouvertes en Afrique de l’Est a eu un effet contre-intuitif sur sa foi.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 89|55min
Tom Holland on the Price of Peace
The author and historian connects ancient Rome to modern life.
J’ai trébuché dans les pas du bon samaritain.
Lorsque nous nous imaginons en héros, nous oublions souvent notre humanité.
뉴질랜드 기독교인을 표적으로 삼은 한국 종파. 교회는 효과적으로 대응했을까?
이전 신도들이 신천지가 어떻게 기만적인 포교 방식과 이단적인 신념으로 전통 교회와 캠퍼스 사역에 침투했는지 설명한다.
'한'을 가진 자는 복이 있도다: 한국인과 이스라엘인의 집단 슬픔이 우리에게 주는 교훈
우리 문화와 성경은 우리에게 아픈 선지자가 되라고 한다.
Leer por amor al mundo
La mayoría de los cristianos se sienten cómodos con los clásicos. No obstante, la literatura contemporánea nos da señales de que nuestro prójimo está buscando redención y esperanza.
Він перевіряє факти щодо християн, які пережили гоніння
Він є дослідником Open Doors зі Східної Африки. Робота неочікуваним чином вплинула на його віру.
Paul Pressler’s Case Haunts Southern Baptist Abuse Reform
The downfall of a prominent leader of the Conservative Resurgence—a “dangerous predator” whose behavior was hidden for decades—symbolizes a wider failure to deal with sex abuse and coverup.
Он проверяет факты относительно христиан, переживших гонения
Он является исследователем Open Doors из Восточной Африки. Работа неожиданным образом повлияла на его веру.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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