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L’éclatement de l'âme évangélique
Pourquoi nous divisons-nous, et comment nous retrouver ?
更多的福音派信徒在婚前住在一起, 教會領袖們很難做出回應。
Simone Biles’s Critics Miss the Bigger Story of Bodily Abuse
Some see the Olympic gymnast as a self-serving athlete. But her withdrawal from competition is a model for how to honor rather than disdain our bodies.
Bible Museum Must Send One More Artifact Back to Iraq
Update: Judge rules epic of Gilgamesh fragment belongs in Iraq.
New Evidence Points to Old Motive in 1985 Church Murders
A South Georgia prosecutor is considering whether two Baptists were killed because they were Black.
Una docena de mujeres víctimas de violación denuncian a la Universidad Liberty por sus políticas sobre el abuso
La universidad está analizando acusaciones «profundamente preocupantes» de víctimas que afirman que sus procedimientos estaban «permitiendo violaciones dentro del campus».
Liderar en oración
Max Lucado habla acerca de cómo las buenas oraciones sacuden los cielos y dan forma a la comunidad.
Wise Politics
«Purificaos»: Jesús y el mundo de la impureza ritual
Estos mandamientos bíblicos precisamente nos recuerdan el significado de nuestros cuerpos.
The CRT Debate Distracts from God’s Justice
In the conflict over racial issues, “just preach the gospel” misses the gospel.
One Solution to Social Conflict: Tell War Stories. But Tell Them Well.
The book of Samuel shows us how to reconcile our differences through redemptive storytelling.
Viral JesusEpisode 2|33min
A Billion Views of Hope
Kristina Kuzmic, ‘the mother of all mom bloggers,’ lifts others up by being hilariously transparent about her own imperfections.
Se seu filho deixar a igreja, não se desespere. Mas aja rapidamente.
Há uma janela de oportunidade para trazer os jovens de volta, depois que eles deixam a religião institucionalizada, diz a socióloga Melinda Lundquist Denton.
Wise Church Economies
Christian Wedding Site Designer Loses Appeal Case
While a baker from the same state won his challenge, court upholds Colorado anti-discrimination requirements for the owner of a creative agency.
Faced with Allegations, Anglicans Want to Change the Trajectory of Abuse Response
Update: Investigation into mishandled case in Wheaton expands with further allegations of abuses of power.
Announcing Christianity Today’s International Essay Contest
We're looking for wisdom, perspective, and theological understanding from Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Bahasa Indonesian writers.
Patrocinado por NHCLC
Lo que Dios nos enseña sobre el quebrantamiento de los votos matrimoniales
La Iglesia puede ofrecer gracia a los divorciados en lugar de cargarlos con culpa.
Wise Gospeling

Top Story June 11, 2024

Tony Evans Steps Away from Ministry, Citing Old Sin
Tony Evans Steps Away from Ministry, Citing Old Sin
The first African American to have both a study Bible and a full Bible commentary bearing his name said he will submit to the “biblical standard of repentance and restoration.”

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